Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Wolf on “Hope"

The Wolf on "Hope"

Hope is your shelter in the rains of despair.
Even as thunder trumpets sound and the lightening strikes all that is near,
a refuge, a stronghold, a sanctuary 
that will wipe the  saline from thy eyes and replace is with an ominous sunshine.

For men of the earth stands strong in the face of disaster ,
stay calm in the presence of calamity’
remain strengthen the times of impairment.

As life’s tempest is loudest in its sound,
do not fall victim to its roar.
For it is at this vital point one is closest his peace,
it will be  omnipotent eye in the presence the winds of destruction.
It is impossible to feel the relief of exhale without the strain of inhalation

The wise owl is  wisest in night.
The bat perfects other sense in the dark.
The coyote is most cunning in the circle of the moon.
Although a veil of black consumes the skies,
it is in these times these creatures shine the most.

Take resolution, in knowing that during the darkest hour of the night,
the sun also rises and shines its brightest.
The more the rains fall…
The more flowers will bloom in the garden of life.

Hope allows the gold in your life to be placed under refiner’s fire.
As the substance heats up to the highest degree,
the pure product is flushed away from all impurities.

All hope is is fear that has said its prayer;
Courage that has been taught to believe;
Faith that has sang praise the Name of the Almighty;

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Wolf on "Peace"

The Wolf on “Peace”

To live in peace is to live in wind.
For as the wind whistles its flute,
the leaves and the sea and all else beckons to its call.

Its the sound of freedom,
the sound of tranquility,
all the colors of the wind come together
to form a collage of harmony.

Even though there is much chaos in the world,
It is imperative to find a Zen garden of quiescence.
For as the frogs of the coin pond find silence in their home,
you to will discover there is a calm in every storm.

Once this calm has been achieved
you shall become like a hawk;
His watchful eye will circle the earth,
yet take no part in its calamity;
He watches the foolish mammals squabble in their hell,
but enjoys his heavenly throne carved in the clouds.

If you long for peace search in the willows of the mind.
In these willows there is a listlessness
and in this listlessness you will discover the joys of the soul.

You will shoot life’s bow
And as the arrow of stress is released
So does the presiding tension in your life

You will rise like the eastern sun
and awaken all else
and set like the western sky,
so all can marvel at the elegance upon the your horizon.

And in the middle of your rising and setting,
you will rise high in the sky,
an ominous glow for all to envy.
As this glow radiates to the rest of the world
Vegetation will proliferate,
And life will be its product.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Wolf on "Love"

To love someone is to know someone;
the person who they were,
the person who they are,
the person they will become.

It is not only to accept that person with love and kindness,
But also hate the thought of not being that persons’
Brother, their sister…their keeper

As an arrow hits its target,
love is the bulleyes at which the arrow is placed.
It neither takes from you or from others,
but it rather takes from itself to give to itself.

It is the acceptance of everything you are,
but the appriciation of everything you are not.

It is the ever flowing stream that accompanies a  brook,
A river that is the parents its roaring waterfalls.

When it teaches you the harsh lessons of existence
be wise and internalize its advice.
Afterward thank your teacher
for allowing you to further understanding

As the moon circles the earth
in its unqualified loyalty and commitment,
Love circles the heart in an interconnected
solar system of veins and capillaries
Even as the stars in the galaxies knows its path,
love directs you to stay on the course of your destiny.

When you hear love’s call
do not turn deaf ear to its voice,
follow it.
For it will be the shining light that leads you through the dark cave
In the same manner the north star led
the Sheppard’s to the savior,
love will lead to sanctuary…to home

Love is not just pleasure
it is pain
It does not only crown you a king,
 but when necessary stone you as a peasant.

Without its duality you will be alive,
 but not live
You will eat,
but fail to experience taste
You will see,
 but be blind to all that is beautiful,
You will hear,
 but not the sweet melodies that  the lyre sounds in the heavens.
You will be incapable of feelings the winds of Aeolus
as the hairs on you back will neither know when to sit down or stand up
Rendering you no more than a zombie,
imprisonment in forever comatose

If you wish to only experience love’s pleasure
you are no  better off than the ant only wishing to live in its hole.
For the ant fails to realize the bigger world out there,
Making him a prisoner of solitude ,
A resident of his own ignorance

When you are in love
You become baptized in the waters’ of agape.
Born again with
The souls of two beings interconnected in
 A highway to the heart of one
to the heart of the other.

Love is not just a flame of passions and desires
It also sings a sweet ballad,
a bitter harmony,
a serenade of forgiveness from past iniquities
The minuet of love takes all that is broken and used
to form a piece of art
A masterpiece for all to marvel at its grandeur.

You are no longer in the heart of yourself,
nor are you in the others
But in the heart of God;
God is also in your heart

In the stillness of night, she dreams visions of the future
While enabling you to awaken with a Corinthian blueprint
 for joy, peace, kindness, patience and self control

Loves connects you in the circle of life,
A never ending road
linking us all together in a converging path to the heaven.
Here, she prepares a feast for us
with the Jesus Christ, Allah, Vishnu and all other deities

The differences that once separated us,
A thing of the past,
Now is the very thing that units us together in this everlasting circle

When love comes near the earth begin to shake,
Mountains begin to separate,
Seas begin to roar.
While her storm terrorizes the world,
it creates a peace for the ages

She greets you with respect
and expects nothing of monetary value in return.
She gives you the world
Asking for a thank you.
But she also willing and without thought lives by the golden rule.

She does not need to hear a prayer request
for before the inquiry is made
an answer is already present.
The answer is either yes but never no
For when you think its no the answer it is rather
“wait my child, I have something better in store”

On the back of her eagle, it will raise you up on its wings
In a world of turmoil and strife,
It finds perfection.
It will find the good in all that is evil
According to love,
 the worst demon has the ability to be the kindest angel