Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Wolf on “Hope"

The Wolf on "Hope"

Hope is your shelter in the rains of despair.
Even as thunder trumpets sound and the lightening strikes all that is near,
a refuge, a stronghold, a sanctuary 
that will wipe the  saline from thy eyes and replace is with an ominous sunshine.

For men of the earth stands strong in the face of disaster ,
stay calm in the presence of calamity’
remain strengthen the times of impairment.

As life’s tempest is loudest in its sound,
do not fall victim to its roar.
For it is at this vital point one is closest his peace,
it will be  omnipotent eye in the presence the winds of destruction.
It is impossible to feel the relief of exhale without the strain of inhalation

The wise owl is  wisest in night.
The bat perfects other sense in the dark.
The coyote is most cunning in the circle of the moon.
Although a veil of black consumes the skies,
it is in these times these creatures shine the most.

Take resolution, in knowing that during the darkest hour of the night,
the sun also rises and shines its brightest.
The more the rains fall…
The more flowers will bloom in the garden of life.

Hope allows the gold in your life to be placed under refiner’s fire.
As the substance heats up to the highest degree,
the pure product is flushed away from all impurities.

All hope is is fear that has said its prayer;
Courage that has been taught to believe;
Faith that has sang praise the Name of the Almighty;

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